Metamour Relationships: A Discussion with Dana Valentine

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Class Description Metamour relationships, often overlooked in discussions about non-monogamy relationships, can play a pivotal role in the health of ENM partnerships. This class-driven discussion is dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding of the connections between metamours, cultivating empathy, and offering tools to build relationships within their non-monogamous groups outside of their paramours. Please come … Continue reading Metamour Relationships: A Discussion with Dana Valentine

$5 – $10

Healthy Hurting: BDSM with a History of Self Harm with AJ Renard

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Class Description Many people find release in pain and can effectively use it as a coping mechanism to manage anxiety, stress, chronic pain, and other challenges. This class focuses on discussing the differences between masochism and detrimental self-injurious behavior, including the physical, emotional, and psychological effects of each. We will talk about interacting and providing … Continue reading Healthy Hurting: BDSM with a History of Self Harm with AJ Renard

$5 – $10

Defeat the Weasels: Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and D/s w/ Meredith

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Class Description Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria is a little-understood aspect of ADHD that frequently co-occurs with anxiety. For submissives in relationships where behavior correction may be part of daily life, the extreme emotional responses prompted by RSD can be even worse pain than a physical punishment. For Dominants with RSD, the roller coaster ride of negative … Continue reading Defeat the Weasels: Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and D/s w/ Meredith