Pup Play 101 with SincX

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Class Description Puppy and Pet Play has seen a dramatic increase in interest over the past few years. But what does Puppy and Pet Play even mean in the present day? Where did it come from? Why do people do it? How does one get started? In this class we will provide an introduction to … Continue reading Pup Play 101 with SincX

$5 – $10

Vetting and Keeping Yourself Safe with AJ Renard

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Class Description We all know the importance of vetting, but are we really doing it effectively? What other tools and resources do you have to keep yourself safe? This workshop focuses on how to vet a potential partner, questions to ask, how to evaluate the answers, and some of the tools at your disposal. We … Continue reading Vetting and Keeping Yourself Safe with AJ Renard

$5 – $10

Event Series BR Newcomer Series

BR Gateway – February 2024

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Black Rose (BR) Gateway is a great way to get a lot of information about the local kink community before you commit any unintentional faux pax because everyone (except you) knew about the community and social expectations. We cover topics ranging from from Consent to Privacy, Negotiations to Aftercare, and ensure that everyone is aware … Continue reading BR Gateway – February 2024


Flogging: An Impactful Art with Whittney and Willow

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Class Description The art of flogging relies on a broad range of skills, each of which are arts on their own. When brought together, these skills transform flogging from being a simple impact scene into an expression of creativity that deepens the connection between the people involved. This playshop focuses on presenting the skills of … Continue reading Flogging: An Impactful Art with Whittney and Willow

$5 – $10

Eating Out with Carmen Monoxide

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Class Description In this course, we’ll go over classic and creative methods for orally warming up, bringing to climax, and cooling down your partner’s vagina or ass. Presenter Bio A former teacher with a lifelong passion for the bizarre and filthy, Carmen Monoxide (she/her) also works as a kink professional, event organizer, sex educator, and … Continue reading Eating Out with Carmen Monoxide

$5 – $10

Decorating Through the Skin (Decorative Needle Play) with Willow & Marti

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Class Description Ready to level up from simple rows and buttons to craft your own unique designs in steel and skin? Decorative needlework does NOT have to be complicated to wow, nor does it require high tech solutions or exotic needles. From basic beading and lacing to adorn the body, to negative space stencils and … Continue reading Decorating Through the Skin (Decorative Needle Play) with Willow & Marti

$5 – $10

Much Denser Than Bacon: A Casual Class on Canes and Caning with Pet Emily

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Class Description Ah, the noble cane. Far greater than a mere stick, the cane is a superb tool for recreational bottom whackery, one that can draw out whimpers of fear and squeals of delight with the merest swish through the air. Not as clumsy or random as a paddle; an elegant implement, for a more … Continue reading Much Denser Than Bacon: A Casual Class on Canes and Caning with Pet Emily

$5 – $10
Event Series BR Newcomer Series

BR Gateway – March 2024

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Black Rose (BR) Gateway is a great way to get a lot of information about the local kink community before you commit any unintentional faux pax because everyone (except you) knew about the community and social expectations. We cover topics ranging from from Consent to Privacy, Negotiations to Aftercare, and ensure that everyone is aware … Continue reading BR Gateway – March 2024


Event Series Black Rose Munch

Black Rose Munch

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Join us before Tuesday Education for our BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) Munch! Bring a brown bag from home or your favorite takeout to the Crucible and get to know people before class. Come enjoy food, fun discussions, and meet like-minded folks.

Metamour Relationships: A Discussion with Dana Valentine

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Class Description Metamour relationships, often overlooked in discussions about non-monogamy relationships, can play a pivotal role in the health of ENM partnerships. This class-driven discussion is dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding of the connections between metamours, cultivating empathy, and offering tools to build relationships within their non-monogamous groups outside of their paramours. Please come … Continue reading Metamour Relationships: A Discussion with Dana Valentine

$5 – $10
Event Series Black Rose Munch

Black Rose Munch

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Join us before Tuesday Education for our BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) Munch! Bring a brown bag from home or your favorite takeout to the Crucible and get to know people before class. Come enjoy food, fun discussions, and meet like-minded folks.

Healthy Hurting: BDSM with a History of Self Harm with AJ Renard

The Crucible 412 V St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Class Description Many people find release in pain and can effectively use it as a coping mechanism to manage anxiety, stress, chronic pain, and other challenges. This class focuses on discussing the differences between masochism and detrimental self-injurious behavior, including the physical, emotional, and psychological effects of each. We will talk about interacting and providing … Continue reading Healthy Hurting: BDSM with a History of Self Harm with AJ Renard

$5 – $10