Volunteer Information

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If you are interested in volunteering for Black Rose, this is the place for you.

How to volunteer for Black Rose

You must be a current member of Black Rose in order to volunteer.

Make sure to update your profile at br.org/join so that we know you want to volunteer. After you log in, select “Update Profile” from the drop-down menu and scroll to “I’m interested in volunteering for BR” and “Volunteer activities“. Do not use the “Volunteer” option from the drop-down menu because that functionality isn’t working yet. If you update your profile, we will periodically send you calls for volunteers.

Check the list of current volunteer opportunities below. If anything interests you, reach out directly to the point of contact.

If you’ve already asked us if you can volunteer, please make sure your profile is updated, and feel free to check the list below and reach out. We’re all volunteers here and sometimes we get swamped and things slip through.

Current volunteer opportunities at Black Rose

Volunteer opportunities often require the handling of private or sensitive information, and all volunteer staff are required to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Greeters: greeters@br.org

Greeters Table: Staff the admissions table and collect admission fees at BR events such as Tuesday night education and Saturday workshops. Staff the greeters table at events where BR is invited to maintain a table for outreach.

Socials: socials@br.org

Social planning committee: Assist with the planning and execution of the monthly BR Social at the Crucible.

Membership: membership@br.org

Membership Team: Staff the BR membership table during BR events and events where BR is a guest. Accept membership applications.

Communications: communications@br.org

Info Team: Respond to general inquiries sent to the info@ address.
Social Media Team: Prepare and distribute events and other posts for BR social media accounts. Respond to general inquiries sent via social media messaging.

Dungeon Monitors: dm@br.org

Dungeon Monitors: Staff BR events and ensure the safety of attendees during scenes.

Education: education@br.org

Education Team: Assists the Education Director with planning and organizing Tuesday night classes and monthly workshops.