Thinking About Black Rose Gateway?

Welcome to Black Rose!

This page is designed to help you anticipate what to expect when attending a BR Gateway meeting.

Black Rose designed BR Gateway to be a welcoming, non-threatening way for people to learn more about BDSM and about the local BDSM community.  As such, it is our goal to make the meeting as comfortable as possible for you.  We know that for some people, knowing what to expect goes a long way towards easing fears.  If you have questions that aren’t answered here, you can always e-mail, and you should receive a response within a day or so.

Where is BR Gateway?

BR Gateway is held at The Crucible — but don’t panic. Yes, it’ll be your first visit to a dungeon, but you’ll be there on a night when all the lights are on, everyone’s clothes are on, and nobody is playing. After you’ve gotten your head around this experience, you will be better prepared for Dungeon 101 the next night.

How much does it cost?

BR Gateway remains at an affordable $5 per attendee. Most electronic payments are accepted, as is cash.

What should I wear?

Please do not wear obvious fetish clothing as you approach the door from outside. The Crucible is immediately next to a residential neighborhood, and we are not the only people in the area. Any normal street attire is fine, whether you’re in jeans and a t-shirt or a business suit. Many attendees come straight from work.

Do I need to bring anything?

Bring $5, your curiosity, and any questions you might have.  We will check your ID at the door to verify that you are 18 or older, but that’s it. There is no need for you to provide references or anything like that.

What happens at BR Gateway?

When you get to The Crucible, come on inside; there is no need to ring the bell, just come on in. Once inside, you will be asked for your government issued photo ID (to prove you are 18 or older).

Come on in, find a seat, and we’ll begin promptly at 8:00 p.m.

The BR Gateway coordinators will introduce themselves and go over some basic housekeeping and then we get right into the presentation. We have a slide deck that breaks down the evening into a number of topics. No question is stupid or too newbie.

Before the end of the meeting, you’ll also receive a discount card.  One portion will get you a free admission to one evening of a BR Tuesday night education meeting.  The other will get you a discounted admission to one evening of Dungeon 101. You can use either of these discounts (once each) over the next few months.

When the meeting ends, the presenters typically stick around for a short time to answer questions that you may not have been comfortable asking in front of everyone.

At no point will you be required to say anything, unless you choose.  We won’t ask your name.  We will tell you about Black Rose, but we won’t sell you a membership that night. BR Gateway is designed to be a low-pressure, low-key meeting; a chance for you to dip your toe in the water before you dive all the way in.

Still have Questions?

If you have more questions about BR Gateway, please check our BR Gateway FAQ. If that page does not help you, then email  We hope to see you there!